It's painful, even brutal at times with John and Michelle torturing each other. But, once again, nothing is said.
What's there to say ? More duck a la orange ? John's in the booth full time now. He's got these guys in from Detroit.
Motown riffs? Where's Chunga ? The old twelve string is gone. I hated it. But, there was one good song on the record and,
like a lot of things John wrote, when you look back --it was about... "People Like Us". Who love and hate and make
mistakes and break each other's hearts.
Step Out
After one of the sessions -
Michelle has left with Jack Nicholson and John's in the booth wired up on something and
mixing up a storm - and Cass comes over and reverts to the old Mugwump:
(in Mugwump) "Demoth, would half yu be peelin' poorly? " "Yeah Cass I be peelin' poorly. "What be the problem Demas".
Aw, Cass, it all just floated away" "Floated away? Dennis they hauled it away in trucks and nobody is ever going to
tell us where they put it." (Laughs) "Come on. I'll drive you home."
So we went back to Cass' place and cracked a bottle of Jack Daniels Green label and lay on the bed talking and
watching the tube and ... that train pulled in and that train pulled out and no one was the wiser. And what happened
that night is nobody's business, but in the morning she made a marvelous breakfast of croissants and blueberries and
after that she headed out, back on the road.
It Can Only Happen In America
I was living in northern California when I got the call. July 29th, 1974. A Monday. She was dead. She'd been playing
The Palladium in London. A two week, sold-out triumph. Gossips said she choked to death on a ham sandwich. Or she ODed.
I agree with the coroner. Her poor old heart just quit. John and Michelle showed up at the funeral in their limos and,
everybody in Hollywood was there to be photographed in mourning. I saw the crowd and drove around back of the chapel,
found Cass' mother in an alcove and sat with the family instead. "Sorry for your trouble Missus."
The last time I saw Cass was at a costume party at John and his new wife Genevieve's place. I was wearing my father's
old band uniform. Princess Louise Fusiliers. Red serge. And there was Cass. She was dressed as Little Bo-Peep.
Many petticoats, much lace and ruffles, a huge sunbonnet, shoes with buckles and a big shepherd's staff covered in bows.
Everything in pink and white - like she bought out a millinery store and she looked beautiful.
"If this is where we are now, where will we be five years from now ?" I don't know
Cass. But I do know that you have to live with the things you do. The only thing is - you're gone and I miss you.
Dream A Litttle Dream Of Me